Cross Stitch Update: Sailor Pluto Galaxy Gameboy


Sailor Pluto Galaxy Gameboy on Yellow Aida


I thought I would start writing on the blog when I update the artwork in the various galleries! I can talk a little more about each piece and it’ll be nice to look back and read some of the thoughts I had!

Cross Stitch Pattern is from NeedleMinderLair on etsy. Done on some yellow Aida that I had leftover from another cross stitch project.

I love the colors of this cross stitch but I have one critique, which is Pluto’s Garnet Rod, I added some gray back stitching to add some extra pop to it, but I feel in the original pattern that the rod blends in too much to the design. Other than that, A+.

The Wood frame was premade. I found a local frame store that you can buy these really nice premade frames from the leftovers of other framing jobs on the cheap. I’ve purchased several items to let me frame my own items, so I have framers points and the gun used to shoot them in the frame. The cross stitch is pinned to some foam core, and I have craft paper on the back and screwed in my own hangers and wire.

I’m very excited to be learning new skills to really create my own pieces of art.

Cleaning Up and Cleaning Out


Zoo Lights, 2022


As I straighten up my office I am confronted with SO MANY PROJECTS.

There is a pile of clothing that needs alterations, a box of yarn put aside for a branch weaving, a half painted wood pumpkin for a handmade fall decoration, a half finished weaving on a loom, and a drawer of tiny things I want to try….

Not to mention the plastic aida canvas for the 3D projects I want to try out.

So, I need to make a plan to actually finish these projects and get them out of my closet and my life, haha. The sewing is probably the biggest pain. I have several days off for the holiday so I think that is when I’ll tackle those items.

The loom is large and unwieldly. I would put that up in the attic once I finish the weaving on it, so that and then the branch weaving.

I believe that’s a good start, and that would free up a bunch of space in my closet. Fingers crossed I actually stick to my own plan!

Happy Thanksgiving!


My 2020 Thanksgiving Decor…it’s only gotten worse. Damn you, Target Birds.


The only thing I need to make for my Thanksgiving this year is the mashed potatoes, cause I ordered EVERYTHING already made and the only option for mashed potatoes had milk in it, which I can’t have. I’m gonna pre-make those potatoes and then I’m gonna do absolutely nothing for Thanksgiving. It will be glorious.

I hope everyone’s Thanksgiving is boring and uneventful and full of delicious food that you didn’t have to slave over for hours on end. It’s a holiday. Go relax.

Oh Social Media, What Has Happened to You?


Birthday Sushi


I miss having a halfway decent place to share little tidbits of my life. My life is boring, which I prefer, but I would still like a place to share tiny joys, updates of art, and other random bits and bobs. So, I’ve decided to focus on the website that I actually pay for.

I was half keeping a private blog on this thing, but I always needed it perfect when I posted and I’ve decided I’m done with that. I’ve put the app for this website onto my phone and I would like to use this more frequently, more imperfectly, and just more in general.

Cheers to the imperfection and to the random. I’ll be seeing you again soon.